SDC#6 Call for Volunteers Open


Fill out the form completely so that we can keep you in the loop.  We do our best to get you in the shifts and positions you prefer and the form has a place to let us know your availability/preferences.  You will have the chance (more like requirement) to "accept" the slots you're schedule to work prior to the con.

Get your response in early so you get first dibs at the slots you want!

Before you get too excited, there is a "threshold" of time to earn a SkyDogCon volunteer badge!  There won't be any "come do 1 x 4hour shift and snag a free badge" this year! You know who you are forgiven, but not this year!  The terms are subject to change (you hackers love to test boundaries), but plan on scheduling (AND working) at least 12 hours in order to earn your free badge.

Lastly, if you're interested in sharing a room to reduce cost, please indicate it on the form and we'll do our best to link you up with other staff/volunteers who would like to share as well. Thanks everyone!