So much has been going on in the background we’ve had little time to update everyone...that and we've done our best to hold off on exciting news until we're confirmed its going to happen. That said, things will likely change, but want to give you guys the latest on plans for this year!
We're still confirming with several potential sponsors, but we're excited to announce the following have confirmed to be at SkyDogCon this year! Hopefully more will be posted soon. If you're interested in sponsoring, please see details on the Sponsor page.
Bookings for this year have taken us by surprise! We've had to adjust the modestly reserved room block a few times already to make sure you're able to get the conference rate. If you have an issue reserving your rooms, please let us know by emailing us.
We've limited the number of "Early Bird" tickets as we're planning something special for you guys! Can't say what it is, but we'll be making an announcement when these tickets are no longer available and pricing will increase as well. We hate it to do it, but there is a "supply chain" that has hard cutoff dates for ordering and preparation...you snooze, you lose!
We're having a CTF this year! We've done our best to make it as open as possible so attendees at any level can participate and have fun! All the information is available at the following link...
We've had some really awesome topics come in and we're really excited so many are from 1st time SkyDogCon speakers! A very small few of you have already heard from us in regards to 1st round speaker selection. That said, the CFP is still ongoing! Just because you haven't heard from us or don't see your talk posted in the 1st round of speakers DOES NOT mean your talk wasn't selected!
If you've submitted a talk and are waiting for notification to book travel, please let us know please let us know by emailing us. If you'd like to modify your submission, please fill the form out again using the same contact information and let us know in the re-submission.
The call for volunteers is still open if you're interested in supporting the conference. Its not a free ride, but it is a LOT of fun and we make it worth your while! Got a skill to contribute? Want to get a backstage pass to the CON? This is a great way in!
We are planning on hosting the HAM Radio Technician's exam again this year! If you're interested in taking the exam, we'll be posting details here and on Twitter very soon. It will likely occur on Saturday, 24 October, in the afternoon (after lunch) and likely will have a small fee associated (to recover costs of reserving a quiet conference space). Space will be limited and you will need to register to take the exam. We will post information soon with details on how to register.